Though the golf swing begins at address, it is posture that largely determines the plane of the swing. Standing too upright over the ball creates a flat swing plane. Conversely, standing too bent over at address results in a steep swing plane. So how do you achieve the proper bend or spine angle?
You must first bend from the hips as opposed to bending from the waist. Bending from the hips allows the spine to stay straight by pushing the buttocks out. Next flex your knees slightly. If you have the proper spine angle you will be balanced from heel to toe.
Excess spine tilt will put too much weight on your toes and not enough tilt will put too much weight on your heels. Now that we are set up properly, we are on the way to creating a good plane. Next month, I will discuss how shoulder rotation and wrist hinge affect the swing plane.
Please contact the golf shop to learn how to put this technique to work for your game today!